Thursday, October 23, 2008


很不幸的,一直以为演技很棒的我,竟然会败在这个韩国supervisor 身上,insun yu......

话说有一天早上,外面下着毛毛细雨,懒惰的我带着沉重的心情起身,刷牙,洗脸,脑里在盘算着要不要去上班,要怎样自编自导自演。。。。。上回头疼,这次又哪里不舒服呢?带着犹疑的心情,我决定由上天决定, 拿了以每两块的硬币(加币两块是coin), 结果上天决定我不用去!其实也是自欺欺人,因为我一定会扔到我要的那一面为止。哈哈! 接着讯速的打开电脑,发个email 如下:

hey alberto,

I am sorry to tell you that I am quite sick today so I think I can't make it to the lab today. Hope I can turn up tommorow if everything's fine. I am going to see a doctor later on and hopefully I will be fine soon. I hate flu!!


连续发了两封,一封给我的gay supervisor, alberto, 一封给我的韩国supervisor, insun yu .
接着我就继续躲进被窝里,睡到11点多,睡到饿醒,真是幸福哦。哈哈。 那天一连看了三部电影:traffic, syriana, 雷洛。一天的假日就这样过去了。。。

第二天也不得不收拾心情去上班了。。。 先整理好心情,一直想像自己生病似的(以为自己演技很好)。结果去到lab, 见到那个gay佬,就随便大个招呼,对白也是我意料的:
gay Lao: hey, chong, how r u doing?still feeling good?
Cy: oh, feeling a lot better now, i was so sick yesterday.. having some flu..
gay lao: oh i see, take care o.


chris: hey chong, how is it going? r u feeling ok now?
CY: yeah, i m doing good here.
chris: you should go home if you r still not feeling well
CY(心想:yeah, i still very sick, i think i need to go!!!): oh no, i m feeling a lot better now. thanks for asking.


insun: hey chong, how izit going? u sick yest? r u ok now?
CY: ermm, yeah, better, got some mild fever yesterday, feeling bad...
insun: orh. i see, u sure u sick?u din fake it?
CY(shock!!!!!!!! n laugh): errmm......
insun: it is ok if you fake it.....
CY: reali?
insun: yeah, i dun mind, (在旁淫笑,在想:死仔。你逃不过我那对法眼~~~~~)
CY: reali, reali, hahahahahhahaha..... 不知道可以说什么,借故走开了。。。。。



enomis said...

hahahahaa.. damn char lar you... fake must fake till the end ma.. not at all talented-.-

Bell Ng said...

aduhai!! u darn chr siew la!!!

last time hor i ponteng liao but oni realised got quiz...reali terpaksa urgently need a MC then i reali go pusat kesihatan...guess wut? my 演技精湛到my lips oso cracking....n 脸色苍白(吹冷气吹到酱)一边还要催眠自己我真的很病,

and finali doctor sakit hati till wan gimme 2 days MC!!! muahahaha...


左手 said...

從bell那里的comment看到你出來英雄救美,拔刀相助!那句『what a fuck』講到很過癮!

崇彦 said...

thanks for supporting- 射手

懿颦 said...
